Sunday, February 19, 2012

More stuff

Made a couple appearances last week and for the first time, I was involved in plea negotations. My boss explained to me what the client wanted so I just had to talk with the DDA about getting a deal. I explained to the her a brief synopsis of the case and that our client has no prior records. A lot of times, the prosecution doesn't know the details of the charge until the date closer to the preliminary trial. Eventually, we worked on a tentative resolution where our client would plead to the charge , complete a program for one year, and pay a considerable amount of fines. If our client complies, then the plea will be withdrawn and the case dismissed. It seems like a good deal to me but of course the client has to decide.

I also heard back from one of those government offices again. It was the same office that rejected me in the past. They just asked if I still wanted to be considered for the position and of course I said yes. They informed me someone will contact me within a few weeks to schedule an interview. [Hmmm, this pattern keeps repeating itself.] I don't have my hopes up because at this point I realize there are things beyond my control. I'll take it for what it is: a phone call about a "possible" interview.

Monday, February 6, 2012

What else?

The more I visit this page, the more I feel things are slipping away from me. I sent an email to that attorney whose secretary told me they'd call back as soon as possible. I bet I'm never hearing from them.

I checked my outbox dating all the way back when I first sent a job application as an attorney. I remember I was so excited and proud to be signing Esquire at the end of my name.  It was just a craigslist job posting that didn't respond. Figures how this pattern would persist to this day. It's only been a little over a year but when you're jobless,life moves much slower. Ironically, however, it still feels like your're running out of time quickly.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Playground Rules

I mentioned in my previous post how I looked up attorneys' information from the state bar website. I also searched the whereabouts of friends, former colleagues, and various people I met during law school related functions. Nearly all of these people graduated from highly recognized universities. I discovered more of their addresses are registered to law offices. Of course, it doesn't necessarily mean they are employed as attorneys, however their linkedin profiles list themselves as associates for those offices.

When I see people getting jobs, feelings of disappointment reemerge. I'm happy for those people but I always have to exhale some frustration. It's like going back to the playground days when everybody is lined up next to each other and one by one they're being picked to play except you.  I was always the smallest kid and I'm sure it's the reason why I was overlooked so many times. Let me tell you however, I was real good when I got  to be in the game. After a few games, people who saw me play would pick me for their team.

In this job market, people are already playing and I'm on the sidelines waiting for the next game. Maybe it's the size thing again as I didn't graduate from one of those top 25 or whatever US News Rankings school that employers want that's getting me overlooked but I do know I'm just as good or if not better than attorneys out there. Just to got to get into the game...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Just Continuing

Made two appearances this past week . I met other attorneys who were in a similar position as me. We were all the youngest looking in the courtroom so it wasn't that hard to strike up a conversation about our employment status. Two of them were licensed since 2008. [They didn't tell me this information but I just looked up their info on the state bar website. Their addresses are registered to a PO Box and a residential address.] We talked about other things not related to law such as sports, sports radio, etc..It was a good respite from all the legal jargon you hear inside the room. I sometimes get lost when unfamiliar terms are thrown out, thus causing me to retrieve the meaning of this lawyer slang from the internet or my boss.

I also got my check today. My boss said he has more work  for me this month but I really don't believe it until things are more definite which usually means giving  the details of the client and the courthouse location.

I called that employer's office who said he'll have his secretary set up an interview. I spoke with the receptionist who didn't know if the position is still open.She informed me the guy is in court but will call me as soon as they can. Where have I heard that before?